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What you posit, is difficult to disagree with. It does, however, seem to leave out some types of significant options, that often are missed. Example: Healthcare in the U.S. - multiple binaries have been posited. I believe that one gets stuck in the: "Bernie-Single Payer" vs. "Pure Free Market" vs. "The Middle Ground"- such as Joe Biden proposed while campaigning in 2020. You would never know for example: "Regulated Capitalism" - as in the Swiss National System. There are variations of systems modeled on "capitalism" and varieties of single payer type models- does one handle things nationally, regionally, by state, by rural vs. urban areas. Various hybrid models are possible. Should health insurance be required, assigned, be optional? How do we cover U.S. citizens abroad and non-citizens in the U.S. The model(s) - you propose - work fine in areas where there are either modified binary ways of separating things or some continuums, but they don't deal with the type of example I'm giving above. Other areas - are far, far, far simpler - what I would label as "exploitative" vs. various levels of being exploited. Education in the U.S. - fits often into such models. Thanks!

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