Such incredible resources here, I'm marveling at your ability to track things throughout the year. Bookmarking Sex Without Stress, thanks for the rec! As someone who works in the somatic sexology space, working somatically is a reliable path to the erotic. Limiting beliefs and trauma gets stored in the cells, and sequencing them is the way to make space for pleasure and connection.

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a brave, beautiful post, friend! all the way down. I love this quote: “anything that is taken by force must be remade.” so much of the world we live in was built without true consent, and part of its un-making is releasing all the parts of our lives that rest on deeper coercions and discovering what emerges when we stop forcing our own selves to push through. at least that is the theme that emerges for me in looking at all these re-collections. may 2024 be an equally fruitful un- and re-making for you.

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